But, as self-predicted, I also was disappointed.
Jack's sacrifice, the showdown with Smokey, the thrilling escape from Hydra Island, the touching reunions (particularly the one between Sawyer and Juliet) and the open-to-multiple-interpretations ending: I was good with all of it.
But I still feel cheated. Not because the producers failed to answer every tiny question I had about the show's myriad tiny mysteries. But because they failed to even touch on the big ones. To end this series without even an attempt to explain:
The mysterious numbers. What do they mean? Where do they come from?
The significance of the island? Why is it's survival so crucial to humanity? After all, it seems most of what it did was bring people misery?
Is a cheat and give the impression that the writers just couldn't come up with good answers for these, or the many other lingering questions from the series.
So, while greatly entertaining over the years, I have to say I find "Lost" ultimately a let down.
A year or two back, I imagined I'd want to re-watch the entire series once it ended, so I could see how -- "The Usual Suspects"-style -- the puzzle all fits together. But I now realize that wouldn't work. There are still too many missing pieces.
Fun characters aside, these unique mysteries are what made "Lost" truly special. But, in the last season, the producers dropped any intention of addressing them in a satisfying way. In other words, they failed the story.
So, that's that. I doubt I'll re-watch any of it. But, just out of curiosity, I'll likely rent the final season bonus disk that promised to address unanswered questions. Not holding up too many hopes that will be satisfying either.
Here's my list of STILL unanswered questions -- big and small:
* What is the history of the Others? Where did they come from? Why did they kill off the Dharma Initiative?
* What's up with Walt's powers? How did the Others know about them?
* How did Cindy the stewardess and the two children from the Oceanic flight come to be among the Others?
* Why exactly did Jacob pick these particular folks as his candidates? He tells them because they are "flawed." Seriously, this is the best the show's producers can do? By that standard, any random human fits the bill! Six years and all we get is, "they're flawed." Criminy.
* Jack is now Jacob's successor and it's his job to protect the magic golden light at the center of the island. But why? What has this light ever done for anyone apart from turn them into smoke monsters. What's so danged good about the island. Everyone on the danged thing has been threatened, beat up and killed, it seems like. Sure, it has healing properties. But, to what purpose? Locke was made able to walk again so he could get killed by an evil entity that wants to destroy the self-same healing island. This makes NO SENSE people. And if the point is that it's not supposed to make sense, that's not coming through clear either. It's all random and tossed together.
* Why was Ben selected the leader of the Others? And why, ostensibly in the name of Jacob, do such horrible things to people? Did Jacob intend this? Why did the Others go along with it? Why did Richard go along with it?
* Why did Jacob exclude Kate from being a candidate because she's a mother? Wasn't Sun a mother also? Wasn't Jin a dad? Aren't Jack and Sawyer also dads? Is Jacob a sexist pig?
* What was Ben's breakfast on the beach with Kate in season 3 all about? We didn't see any of their discussion. [I'm still a bit baffled by this scene. We've not been given any insight into what was discussed. Was Ben merely trying to persuade Jack to operate on Ben's spine? Or was there something more going on.]
* Why does the smoke monster kill some people and not others?
* Why did the smoke monster kill Eko, in particular? What did the monster see/sense in him?
* Why did the magic light turn the man in black into a smoke monster? If the light is such a good thing, why did it create an entity that goes around killing essentially innocent people?
* Why did the Others initially disguise themselves as shipwrecked pirate types complete with fake beards? [What was the point? To make the crash survivors think that the Others were merely fellow castaways, not an organized faction on the island with a secret history? What?]
* What's up with the sickness that killed off Danielle's team? [Were they killed by Smokey or turned evil by him? Or both?]
* Is the Dharma Initiative still active at all?
* Who was behind the air drop of Dharma supplies that has benefited the Oceanic survivors? [There was a drop after the Oceanic survivors arrived, wasn't there? Or was this an old drop that Hurley discovered? I may be misremembering.]
* Why do women on the island die instead of giving birth?
* Why did the Others steal children?
* What's behind the apparent healing properties of the island?
* What's responsible for the visions of animals and dead people the crash surivors sometimes see on the island?
* What's the deal with Libby, killed in season 2, who evidently gave Desmond the sailboat that landed him on the island and who once was in a mental ward with Hurley? [Despite Libby's recent appearance this season, these questions were not answered.]
* What's up with the giant statue? Who built it? What is its significance?
* Is there any explanation for why the man in the Dharma Initiative videos is at different times identified as Dr. Marvin Candle, Dr. Mark Wickmund, Dr. Pierre Change and other names and why the CIA agent who identifies himself as Joe Inman to Sayid tells Desmond that his name is Kelvin Inman?
* Why did the psychic in Australia encourage Claire to take the doomed flight?
* Who is the man Sarah left Jack for? Why is she so reluctant to reveal his identity? Is he somehow associated with the Dharma Initiative and/or the Others?
* What's up with that polar bear in Tunisia? Was Charlotte part of Dharma when she found it, or was she snooping into what Dharma is all about? [Pretty much answered, I guess. We know Charlotte was investigating her Dharma past? The polar bear likely transported from the island ala Ben and Locke.]
* Who is Penelope's mother?
* Why did Alpert want the body of Amy's husband? [Was it merely as proof of retribution to the Others? Or did they do something creepy with it?]
* Who created the ancient temple on the island?
* How did the Others save young Ben after he was shot? [They put him in the dark pool, most likely. But we weren't shown that this is the case.]
* What is Ilana's history with Jacob? Why was her face bandaged?
* Is Locke really dead? Will he return?
Additional unanswered questions from Lostpedia:
- Why did Desmond tell Charlie he saw a vision of Claire and Aaron getting on a helicopter that could only come true if he died?
- Why did Claire abandon Aaron?
- What caused the bad luck surrounding Hurley?
- What does Juliet's mark mean?
Questions from last week's episode
These aren't so much questions as writing that is bad and just doesn't make any sense:
- Smokey gets Ben to do his bidding by promising Ben that, once everybody is dead and gone, Ben will have control of the island. But at episode's end, Smokey tell Ben that he's going to destroy the island. And Ben seems ok with that. WTH?!!!
- In a previous episode, Ben confronts Charles Widmore. Widmore asks "Have you come to kill me" and Ben says "You know I can't do that." Yet, in the penultimate episode, Ben kills Widmore. So, it's suddenly ok now?
- Likewise, Smokey and Jacob's crazy mother says that neither can harm one another. Yet Jacob beats the snot out of Smokey and throws him into the magic light. I'm unclear on the definition of not hurting here.
Don't forget the statue has 2 toes.
ReplyDeletereally the plot of season 4 makes no sense now in thecontext of the current season.
or the others whole treatment of the plane victims. What is the purpose of the others? why so hostile? what do they do? what was the cult like funeral? It's all now wtf
Dharma are now just some people who studied the island and are now forgotten?
the jacob/mib storyline is now just a new storyline to wrap up instead of addressing the old ones.
so disapointed.
how come ben and others could leave and come back. Bring juliet to the island. have networks of people off island. Then not know how to get back? Ben needed locke to find the lamp post to find the island. Widmore mustn't have known about it either, even though his ex ran it.
makes no sense!
What's annoying is, most unanswered questions seem as if they could have been worked into the show by now. Think back to the two last seasons.. there's been places to answer them.
excellent post! you raised some excellent questions!!