In island time: Sayid has sprung back to life, but the Others are suspicious. Mr. Dogen subjects Sayid to tests (torture, more like) and finds that he's been "infected." Dogen tries to persuade Jack to give Sayid some medicine, which is actually poison. Jack refuses. Dogen says that the infection is spreading with Sayid. When it reaches the heart, Sayid will lose his soul. This same thing, Dogen tells Jack, happened to Jack's sister: Claire.
Meanwhile, Sawyer decides he's not going to be a prisoner of the Others again and leaves the Temple, despite the Others telling him he's safer inside. Kate and Jin soon follow, accompanied by two Others as guards, who Kate manages to knock out and ditch. Jin wants to look for Sun and he and Kate go their separate ways.
Kate catches up with Sawyer in the Dharma village, where Sawyer recovers the engagement ring he'd planned to give the now-dead Juliette. Sawyer blames himself for Juliette's death and Kate is very sad.
Back in the jungle, Jin is recaptured by the Others is about to be shot when--the Others get shot! By a perplexed and homicidal-looking Claire!
In sideways time: Kate makes a break for it at the airport, seizing control of a taxi cab containing...Claire! This time it's sweet, normal, pregnant Claire. Kate dumps Claire but later goes back to here, after realizing that the suitcase left behind contains a stuff killer whale doll, presumably for yet-to-be-born Aaron. Kate learns that Claire plans to give up the baby and they go to the home of the adoptive parents. However, the dad isn't there. He's split and abandoned the would-be mother. Claire is shocked and goes into labor (don't you love TV?) and Kate and she end up going to the hospital. Some cops arrive, but Claire plays dumb, allowing Kate to escape.
- One of the Others who leaves with Kate and Sayid is named Aldo and was Kate's guard on the smaller island when she was locked up in the polar bear cage.
- What is the infection and how will it harm Sayid?
- How was Claire infected and when? What exactly happened to her?
- Was Ben also infected as a child when he was taken to the Temple?
- There was an episode titled "What Kate Did" in season 2 of "Lost."
Read what happened on last week's episode.
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